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Analíticas y estadísticas


406 propuestas

Direkt link to create new debate gives error for not logged in user
Les insígnies no contabilitizen correctament els followers del meu perfil
Els pressupostos no notifiquen que has excedit el limit pressupostari
Creació automàtica de perfil en convidar usuari via CSV
Sign button text doesn't change to "already signed" for initiatives
Consultations created before version 0.16 do not work if there is no scope (global scope)
Time error configuration on debates
Do not notify if the user triggers a notification to themselves
Selección de procesos pasados, activos, próximos y todos: Se queda 'colgado' "Carregant resultats..."
The date of the proposals does not appear on the XL card
Statistics blocks number overlaps text underneath
Error al configurar els àmbits i el nombre de signatures de les iniciatives
Problema con el servidor cuando pasas página de followers
Problemas de funcionamiento con las Iniciativas
Format de l'informe de tancament de trobada
Administration of User Officialitation
La imatge de perfil no agafa la resolució correcta
Link to "download your data" doesn't work
Category no appears on Debates Card
No es poden afegir més d'un adjunt a les propostes des del panell d'administració
Participatory texts - repeated notifications when making an amendment
Autorizaciones / El Padrón
Unable to manage Consultations components
Error on languages duplicating a meeting
Desaparece enlace a panel de administración
No funciona correctament el procés de votació en una consulta
Terms & conditions preview is not readable on Register page
Enlace Plan (pdf) roto. Redirección a portada en vez de resultado.
[Critical] Managed users with same name "steals" other person's identity
Mentions to a participant are not rendered correctly in email notifications
Stats for processes: Participants
Linking Assemblies
Debate category is not saved correctly
Falta traducció en castellà al actualitzar un usuari Admin
Participatory texts - too many restrictions on editing proposals
Merge & Split proposals
Terms and conditions aren't shown on an event registration process
Error when relating child and parent Assemblies
Missing part of url: notification where a file is attached
Hipervínculos para seguimiento
Comments are missing on the home stats
Període actiu del procés no agafa el dia de finalització
Ordre els processos a la pàgina processos
Apareix el nombre de vots amagats
Filtre de propostes per categoria no funciona al mapa
Impossible to see the public profile of a user who has a "." in its nickname
Notification and/or mail missing when registering for a Meeting
Attachments are lost when publishing a collaborative draft proposal
Editar proposta no deixa canviar l'arxiu adjunt a la proposta
Al Sign-in falta traduccions (en català) en l'error de contrasenya
Nickname prefix wraps on certain view widths
No resta el comentari amagat per moderació en el recompte de comentaris
Menú no muestra componentes
Loading wrong default locale
Differences between Metrics and Stats
Error al crear proposta col·laborativa
User mention doesn't work always
Assemblies with child assemblies card design
I can't edit a collaborative draft
Pixelated photo when a process is displayed on the homepage
Error message when I cannot withdraw my proposal is not explicite enough
Progress meter ne devrait pas dépasser 100%
Error when a meeting becomes author of a proposal
No funciona el enlace de invitación a admin
Detected language does not work as expected
Threshold support/voting needs to be better distinguished from maximum votes
Wrong naming consultations
Generar un usuario privado no queda en el registro de actividades de administración [Asambleas]
Error en url del perfil
Participatory texts - workflow document upload
Iniciativa registrada y con 4 apoyos no aparece en el menú iniciativas
Error maquetació serveis a les trobades
Als mòduls de propostes no es veuen les propostes rebutjades
Locale update fails on sanity checks
Announcement message displays on meeting form
Interface: Use of 'support' to mean 'vote' can be confusing
Posting a comment is very slow
The initiative created with a sub-scope, when it is managed, is assigned the general scope
Google sign-in icon reduced to tiny size when unregistered user makes new proposal
Geolocalització en sessions online
Resend confirmation instructions - Hard to understand error message
Nickname validation is not in place
Feedback needed after Endorsing
Unknown problem when creating a meeting
Afegir títol de l'espai participatiu a la Card de trobades, al llistat general de trobades
Multi tenant keeps all types initiatives of different tenant and displays all in each tenants
Process filters not functional in IE11
Procesos privados no funcionan
The proposal sidebar layout is broken on tablet portrait screens
Actualización estado campana de notificaciones
Updating meetings error
Wrong translations on email when someone gives support to a proposal
"Daughters' assemblies" are still shown despite having been unpublished
Endorsement doesn't generate notifications to followers
Missing some translations when someone I follow its officialitzation is updated
Consultation icon does not display correctly on Notifications
The evolution of the result presents visualization problems [component accountability]
Use target "_blank" for attachments & external links
Some activity types are never shown on activities block/page
Activar invitacions trobada
Resultados por página:
Ver todas las propuestas retiradas


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